Dr. Georgios Kollias is a Research Staff Member (RSM) working on High Performance Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence research and applications at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA. He obtained the BSc in Physics in 2000 and the MSc in Computational Science in 2002 from the University of Athens, Greece, and the PhD in Computer Science from the University of Patras, Greece, in 2009. He then moved to Purdue University, USA and worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Computer Science Department and the Center for Science of Information till April 2013. Next, he joined IBM Research, USA also holding a research position at IBM Zurich Research Lab, Switzerland (August 2014 - April 2015). His research interests span the areas of graph mining and analytics, parallel, distributed and high performance computing, numerical linear algebra and matrix computations, big data analytics, problem solving environments, quantum computations, nonlinear dynamical systems and machine learning applications. Dr. Georgios Kollias is an IEEE member and has served as a PC member in ICPP-2014 and as a reviewer for journals including ACM TKDD, IEEE TPDS, ParCo, IEEE TCBB, IEEE TSP, JPDC, ALGO and conferences including STACS14, SC12.
Sponsored by IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Society, and TC-19 Technical Committee on Imaging Signals and Systems in conjunction with the IEEE International School of Imaging
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